Saturday, August 28, 2004

Fangoria on Akira Ifukube

Norman England writes in Fangoria about Akira Ifukube, possibly the greatest giant monster composer of all time. He wrote the music to the original Godzilla, now available through La-la Land Records, and most of the rest of the series. The article adds a few things I didn't know about Ifukube -- such as his work as a writer -- and is a good overview of his life. Definitely worth a read.

Edit -- Well it seems as though all these links were dead. I've updated them, but the article is nowhere to be found anymore and the soundtrack is no longer found at the record company. You can find the movie's soundtrack for streaming on Amazon. England apparently has a book out, so you might want to look for that instead. 

1 comment:

North Charleston Land Surveyors said...

Hi thanks for poosting this